Medicare Advantage Plans with Anthem Blue Cross:

If you are eligible for Medicare, but concerned that it will not provide enough coverage for your medical needs, you may need to purchase a Medicare Advantage policy. This type of coverage was formerly known as Medicare+Choice, and provides a wide level of coverage for a variety of different needs.

Anthem Blue Cross offers the Senior Secure Medicare Advantage HMO plan to meet these needs. It features no cost or low cost benefits for medically necessary hospital stays, which can greatly improve your Medicare coverage. Typically, Medicare places a limit on what they will cover for a hospital stay, and the time that you are allotted in the hospital may not be long enough for your particular situation. With this plan, you can be assured of more hospital benefits when you need them the most.

In addition, you will also be able to have a lower co-pay for doctor office visits, as well as coverage for dental, hearing, vision and other health care services that are typically not covered by Medicare. An enhanced prescription plan can greatly lower your prescription costs, particularly if your prescriptions are not covered by Medicare.

In order to take advantage of these benefits under this plan, you will need to visit a doctor that is a participating member of the Anthem Blue Cross Senior Secure program. However, if it is an emergency or considered an urgently needed service, these rules will not apply.

There are specific eligibility requirements that you will need to meet before purchasing this plan. You must be enrolled in both Medicare Part A and Part B, but you must continue this enrollment, and you must continue to pay your premiums for Medicare Part B.

If you are disabled, you may also be eligible for this program if you are currently enrolled in Medicare Part A and Part B. If you are enrolled in Medicare Part B, you may be able to become eligible by purchasing Part A coverage from the Social Security Administration. If you are unsure of your eligibility for this plan, please discuss your options with your insurance representative or contact Anthem Blue Cross for more information.

Persons that are in end-stage renal disease are not eligible for this plan unless certain requirements are met. These requirements include being a member in another Anthem Blue Cross health plan without any lapse in coverage when you were diagnosed. If you did not have a Anthem Blue Cross plan at this time, you will not be able to apply for this plan.

One of the main benefits of this plan is the ability to switch if you are not satisfied with your level of coverage to another Anthem Blue Cross Senior plan, such as the Anthem Blue Cross Senior Select plan or the Anthem Blue Cross ClaimFree Standard plan.

While Medicare can provide a low-cost alternative for your health care needs, it may fall short in some areas. By supplementing your coverage with a Medicare Advantage plan, you can ensure that your health care needs will be met, both now and in the future.